July 15 - Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey
Quick Facts
- Daughter of a wealthy farmer, she grew up during the French Revolution, and saw her family risk everything by hiding priests.
- Pious girl who wanted to devote herself to teaching children and helping the poor.
- In 1800 she had a vision in Besançon where she was surrounded by a group of black children, but did not understand it at the time.
- In 1807, she and eight friends at Cabillon started the group that would become the Congregation of Saint Joseph of Cluny, which was formally founded in 1812 when the group purchased an old friary at Cluny to act of motherhouse.
- The group was dedicated to teaching, and soon became famous for its innovative techniques.
- Anne established houses in Europe, Africa, and South America.
- In 1834 the French government sent her to French Guiana where she was to teach 600 Guianan slaves who were about to receive their freedom.She spent nine years there teaching, fulfilling her vision.
- In 1843 she returned to her homeland to work on establishing houses in other countries.