April 13 - Saint Hermengild

Quick Facts
  • Son of the Spanish Visigoth Arian king Levigild, and raised in Arianism.
  • In 579 he married the Catholic princess Indgund, who, with Saint Leander, bishop of Seville, converted him back to orthodox Christianity.
  • Immediately disinherited by his father.
  • Publicly renounced and fought against Arianism; he expected support from outside anti-Arian groups, but it never materialized, and he was defeated by his father's forces.
  • King of Seville.
  • At one point he reconciled with his father, but his step-mother, Goswintha, caused friction between them because of her staunch Arian views.
  • Arrested, tortured, and martyred on orders of his father for refusing to denounce Catholicism and refusing to accept communion from a heretic bishop.