May 10 - Saint Antonius of Florence
Quick Facts- When he first tried to join the Dominicans he was refused due to his poor health.
- When he persisted, the prior told him he could only enter if he could recite the whole of canon law from memory; a year later, in 1405, after spending his time in study, he recited it and was admitted.
- Priest.
- Worked for the reforms of Blessed John Dominic.
- Vicar of the convent of Foligno in 1414.
- Prior.
- Member of the Council of Florence which sought to end the schism between the churches of the east and west.
- Vicar-General of the Dominicans.
- Archbishop of Florence, Italy in 1446.
- Diplomat.
- Theologian.
- Healer.
- Wrote a biography of Blessed John Dominic, a history of the world, and a reference work on moral theology.