May 25 - Saint José Maria Robles Hurtado
Quick Facts- Born to a fervently Catholic family, the son of Antonio Robles and Petronila Hurtado.
- Entered the seminary of Guadalajara at age 12.Ordained on 22 March 1913 at age 25 at Guadalajara.
- Consecrated to the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, and in 1918 founded the Congregation of Victims of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus at Nochistlan, Zacatecas.
- The congregation was dedicated to pastoral health and education, assisting orphanages, and conducting missions.
- Today it is known as the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
- Parish priest in Tocolotlan in 1920.
- During the persecutions of the Mexican Revolution, priests were outlawed; parishioners urged to run, but he could not abandon his people.
- He was arrested on 25 June 1927 for presiding at Mass in private homes; he was at a make-shift altar when soldiers broke in to grab him.
- Hanged from an oak tree the next day, after having blessed and forgiven his captors; he kissed and blessed the rope, and put around his own neck so no executioners would not be guilty of the murder.
- One of the Martyrs of the Cristera War.