Daughter Luigi Giannetti and Maria Masi. Her father was apharmacist in Siena, Italy, but his business went bankrupt when Anna Marie was five years old. The family moved toRome, Italy in search of work, but Luigi could only find a job as a household servant. Anne was married on 7 January1789 to Dominico Taigi, a butler to the noble family of Chigi. She was married for 48 years, and mother of seven, two of whom died very young.
Anne Marie was always very concerned about her dress and appearance, far more than would be expected of a working class mother. Life at home was not always peaceful, Dominico could be ill-tempered and caustic, and Anne was known to have had an adulterous affair with an older man. But one day while at prayer at Saint Peter’sCathedral, she felt a sudden strong inspiration to ignore the things of this world. She began to live a more austere life, and to listen to the Spirit. Trinitarian tertiary. She found holy spiritual directors, gave all she could to the poor, visited the sick, and counselled many of the patients at the hospital of San Giacomo of the Incurables. She worked hard toevangelize her own family, changing her husband’s demeanor, and they all regularly assembled in a small personal chapel to pray together.
As the years went on and Anne Marie devoted herself more and more to prayer, she began to receive mystical gifts, including prophecy and clairvoyance. She sometimes went into ecstacies, and received heavenly and prophetic visions. Her simple presence had a powerful effect on many, and she helped with many conversions. Counsellor to cardinals, royalty and three popes.
Because of her charismatic gifts, and her lack of concern about worldly matters, Anne was often the topic of gossip and sander, but she was the recipient of public veneration soon after her death, and her Cause for beatification began in 1863.