September 30 - Saint Jerome
Quick Facts- Born to a rich pagan family, he led a misspent youth.
- Studied in Rome.
- Lawyer.
- Converted in theory, and baptised in 365, he began his study of theology, and had a true conversion.
- Monk.
- Lived for years as a hermit in the Syrian deserts.
- Reported to have drawn a thorn from a lion's paw; the animal stayed loyally at his side for years.
- Priest.
- Student of Saint Gregory of Nazianzen.
- Secretary to Pope Damasus I who commissioned him to revise the Latin text of the Bible.
- The result of his 30 years of work was the Vulgate translation, which is still in use.
- Friend and teacher of Saint Paula, Saint Marcella, and Saint Eustochium, an association that led to so much gossip, Jerome left Rome to return to the desert solitude.
- Lived his last 34 years in the Holy Land as a semi-recluse.
- Wrote translations of Origen, histories, biographies, and much more.
- Doctor of the Church, Father of the Church.
- Since his own time, he has been associated in the popular mind with scrolls, writing, cataloging, translating, etc.
- This led to those who work in such fields taking him as their patron - a man who knew their lives and problems.