Saint José Manyanet y Vives

Born to a large and pious family. Dedicated to Our Lady at age 5 by his mother. Educated by the Piarist Fathers in Barbastro. Trained in seminaries at Lleida and Urgell. Ordained on 9 April 1859. Private secretary to the bishop of Urgell. Seminary librarian. Chancery administrator. Secretary for pastoral visitations. Founded the Congregation of the Sons of the Holy Family in 1864. Founded the Missionary Daughters of the Holy Family of Nazareth in 1874. Both were dedicated to serving Christian family, teaching, and parish ministry, and today work throughout Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Founded schools and ministerial centers in several Spanish towns. Wrote books and pamphlets encouraging devotion to the Holy Family, to help the spiritual formation of the members of his congregations, to help families in trouble, and about school management. Founded the magazine La Sagrada Familia. Worked for the construction of a temple in Barcelona dedicated to the Holy Family, which was built by Servant of God Antonio Gaudí.